Dear lady

I stand for gender equality and against gender inequality.

One particular day, I was sent to buy something and I had to go as far as the junction because many shops didn’t have what I wanted. I got to particular shop and saw this lady, fine lady, fine strong girl though, because all ladies are strong. Her hairstyle attracted me. She plaited her hair to resemble a Mohawk. Well, as usual, they didn’t have what I wanted, so I continue my tour till I got to the last shop at the junction, bought what they had and started returning home. I was about passing that shop when I saw this my Mohawk sister standing opposite her shop, waiting for someone. As I saw her full body, her hair no longer attracted me, her gown did. It was brutally short. I stared continuously at her. What nonsense! Then, I noticed the person she was waiting for had finally come: A guy. Oh, dear prince charming. I was sad, very very sad. I’m sure this girl dressed that way because she was expecting that guy. Thinking about this pained me. Like, “Babe, are you a commodity?”

Ladies keep complaining about how guys look down on them in the society, but these same ladies sell out their dignity. You wouldn’t see a guy expose his body because he is expecting a lady. By exposing your body ladies, you only make these guys think that’s all you have to offer. Not only that, they expect you to give them your body, since your openings already invited them freely. So, when they expect to see you, they don’t look forward to seeing the strong and good lady that you are, but the body you have to offer.

That’s why they wouldn’t see ladies as equal with them, because in their minds, ladies are one of those commodities they can use to satisfy their self interest, what else?
We are busy trying to raise a generation of both guys and ladies that would see themselves as equal and to also have the knowledge that there is more to being a lady than having THE body, and to be honest, dear sister, you aren’t helping matters.
Let me brief you about the damage you’re causing;
By exposing your body, you attract the wrong guy, who probably doesn’t know a thing about being a lady. And of course, you also don’t know, cos if you knew, you wouldn’t be opening your body. After that stage, there’s a fusion of you two: these same two people that don’t know what it means to be a lady. Okay, the two of you now use your ignorance to train children that will eventually not know what it means to be a lady.

So sister, excuse me o, while we are trying to raise a generation that will put an end to gender inequality, you are breeding gender inequality itself.
And I’m sure when they tell you belong to the kitchen and the other room, you will start ranting about how disrespectful that is and how ladies are equal with guys.

Sister, shut up your body first!

Ladies that fight for gender equality treasure their dignity and thereby, earn their respect. You can’t be sharing your dignity like exam script and then demand respect.

Dear lady, cover up!



  1. Not everyone can or would want to view life the way you do. This isn't the first post I'd read on this topic and I'm certain it wouldn't be the last. We just have to train our generation and pray they'd train theirs.


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